- Healthy hair begins with healthy skin and body.Homeopathy defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a product that would in healthy persons produce symptoms similar to disease".
- Finding the cause of unhealthy hair. For example, hair loss associated stress.Dull and relax hair generally comes from a combination of age, due to accumulation of chemical laden care products and heat damage.

- Try an herbal alternative to loose hair damaged by previous behavior. Hair that is dull, brittle, tangles easily or mug will benefit from a conditioner made from kitchen staples and common herbs.
- Follicles, which are small pores as the hair shaft grows, take advantage of this oxygen-rich blood, and are better able to support healthy hair.
- Hair shafts will be split due to everything from weather reports to lifestyle choices. A regular exercise means getting a trim every three, six to eight weeks.